Katie C

Gwen Stefani
Gwen Stefani by @wasabi (Katie C)

Curse you stippling! CURSESSS!!! ahem

My stippling project for Drawing II. We were suppose to "draw" a face using only the stippling method. I was thinking about doing Gackt, but my teacher liked the picture of Gwen better so I did that instead. [Gwen rocks! :D ] You have no idea how big this project is...And the next one's going to be even bigger! X3;;

I'm so mad at myself, though. I pretty much butchered her face. ;; Her face looks too wide, and I loathe, detest, and abhor the hair. --; I dunno what else to do with it though. And yes, that part on the left is supposed to be white. She has highlights. [This was her pink hair stage.]

There are still some pencil lines marking the outline of her hair up top there, and that's because I still have to do an ink wash to fill in the BG. I figured I'd do that at school, since my mom would be furious if I made the carpet leopard printed.

Whoa...that's a big description. Sorry guys! X3;

Inking: Rapidograph .35mm pen

20y111d ago
Other Work By @wasabi

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 04 January, 2004 @ 11:25 PM

looks like a cross between Molly Ringwald and the Canadianne mall-music pop sensation(circa 1980's)Tiffany...but maybe I'm just in a retro mood nonetheless-good job-the form is true to itself

Posted: Monday, 05 January, 2004 @ 10:16 PM

Ahh, I don't know who either of those people are. ^^; But thank you so much for the comment!

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