Egg Kaufman

Bun Bun~
Bun Bun~ by @Egg (Egg Kaufman)

This was done with only two colors. Pink and Yellow. Yup.. just finished it and wanted to share it with the world. By the way.. this is unfair. This is my last update for this month. And I paid them to make my account premier, and it hasn't happened. I don't get it. ;_; I want my premeir account! I have sent them two letters already, and nothing has come back. ::sigh:: I will be deprived of my Side7..

Finished Work
20y104d ago
Other Work By @Egg

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 12 January, 2004 @ 12:21 AM

Wow, I love her expression and her fur, she's so cute! Very good job! Those evil Side7 administrators should GIVE you an account for free for bugging you like this! Keep up the good work.

Posted: Monday, 12 January, 2004 @ 12:45 AM

...They implemented the limits in the best interest of the community... and I'm sure they've had a lot of requests to fill for premiere accounts so it'll probably take time to get to your request. just... patience....

Posted: Tuesday, 13 January, 2004 @ 10:26 PM

Beautiful shading! I'm really loving the use of light in her hair, and the yellow highlights on her pink fur really are great and very creative. It suits this cutie very well! The unfinished look works really well with the brush strokes you used. I like that you just used essentially two colors. Makes me smile to think of what you can do with more!!

Your lineart is as impressive as always. What do you use to ink, or do you just darken the pencil lines when you scan in?

Her hair seems a little too poofy in the back, by the pigtail--it makes her head look a little big. Also, there is a small area by her neck that isn't colored with hair or fur, and it seems like it should be. You might want to consider adding more shading around her chest--it looks very flat right before the breasts and under the neck.

I'd also like to see a little more shading done on her yellow earrings. They, too, seem slightly flat.

It seems like I'm picking out the tiniest things, ne? Well, I think your art is at the point where there is nothing really big to critique. You're really good. And I'll be glad to see more of your uploads when you get your account issues resolved. If you feel there has been an undue holdup, I suggest posting your issue on the Graffiti Wall (http://mb.side7.com ) where I can guarantee you'll be taken care of. With a site as big as this, sometimes emails just don't get through and things that should happen, don't. Good luck!

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  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
Please keep in mind, critiques may highlight both positive and negative aspects of this work, but the main goal is to constructively help the artist to improve in their skills and execution. Be kind, considerate, and polite.