C-Puff Person

Back stage
Back stage by @CPuff (C-Puff Person)

I'm hooked on a Tiny Toons/looney tunes fanfic in which the gang re-create the whole Star Wars: Episode IV movie called Star Bored: a new Joke. I've been wanting to send this pic (once it's finished) to the writer to say thanx for making me laugh but he seems determined to ignore me sniff Oh well... Here's the cast list: Plucky - Luke Skywalker Babs - Princess Leia Buster - Han Solo Aunt Slappy - Obi-Wan Kenobi (it works. It really does!) Fifi - one of the X-wing pilots Bugs - The high senator Daffy - Darth Vader

Well, the pic is basically just the group of them relaxing backstage after a shoot. Most of these guys I'm trying to draw for the first time (& it shows) I'm not happy with Babs, But I'm over proud of my Bugs! He drink Cofffeeeee! (It says 'Joe' on the mug if you can't see) How did this whole thing start? I was in Biology class & I was frying in our African heat waves, so I drew an over heated Daffy...the pic basically drew itself from there on. end of story. Now to colour it! =dies=

20y86d ago
Other Work By @CPuff

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