Seffie Aaron

Evil, yet very cool
Evil, yet very cool by @Seffie_Elaine (Seffie Aaron)

This image SUCKED before I colored it ^_^; But now I actually really like how it turned out. I'm also glad I waited a while to fix it, since I've become better at drawing since the time I originally made it, but all in all it still could be better somehow!

Finally! An original drawing that looks really cool! I DID look at an irl picture to draw it shifts eyes But I still would call it an original character. ^__^ I'll get more originals up later though, hope ya all like it!

20y86d ago
Other Work By @Seffie_Elaine

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 05 February, 2004 @ 08:21 PM

Ooooh... Spooky! I wish I could draw cool stuff like that. My stuff is too cute. e_e

I can't really find anything particularly bad. I guess the nose looks a tad too flat, but I can see that you tried messing with the dots to make it look like it was sticking out. The white is probably just playing tricks on my eyes. =P

I love the lips, the expression, the hair and the origionality. The coloring job is pretty interesting too! See Sef? You've had artistic talent all this time! Keep up the good work.

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