Nate Alig

Mandalorian Junkie
Mandalorian Junkie by @Simon_Noir (Nate Alig)

Most of you may not know this, but I am a major Star Wars Junkie, I love Star Wars, and I'm pretty sure that I love it the most because I'm the only person that I know of that liked both Episode I & II.

But out of all of Star Wars, my favorite character would have to be Boba Fett, don't get me wrong, Jango has his place too, but Boba is a whole lot cooler.

I decided to make the armor when I started playing Airsof t again, while everyone has their S.W.A.T. gear, I'll be running aroung in my 1/8 in. tempered aircraft aluminum armor.

At first I wanted to make it out of plastic or fiber glass. But I hate plastic, and I had a bad experience with fiber glass [don't ask] So metal was the obvious choice [btw I love making thing out of metal] and aircraft aluminum was the only thing available to me at the time, but looking back, I probably would have made it out of aluminum anyway.

But this armor is hand shaped, and stuff... this was a pain in the ass to shape...

My armor's not done yet, I have many mor pieces to make, and I need to paint it, but when it's done I'll post a picture of it...

I wish I could disintegrate you...

Boba Fett & Jango Fett are Copyright LucasFilm.

20y3d ago
Other Work By @Simon_Noir

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