Matt Thompsonn

Xion The Unborn
Xion The Unborn by @Pop_a_doc (Matt Thompsonn)

Okay, I outlined Xion and it looks alot better than it did yestery day. His body is kinda out of proportion, but it makes it look like a mix between some of the art from bloody Roar 3 and my own style of drawing charecters. Which is cool if youve seen the BR 3 art, but if you havent it'll probably look like I messed up, oh well, I still like it alot, and Illl try to finish coloring it soon. Then I'll try to add in his beast mode, the Unborn... if I dont run out of room :)

19y362d ago
Other Work By @Pop_a_doc

Comments & Critiques (3)

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Posted: Wednesday, 28 April, 2004 @ 12:23 AM

Awesome job as always! The inking really enhances the pic by a lot. I also like how you filled in his shirt. Can't wait to see the finished version! ^_^

Posted: Wednesday, 05 May, 2004 @ 11:09 PM

the thing i love about your craft, is how your characters (and characters you borrow) have this boldness radiating from them, with their cocky grin, and that something in their eyes that say "i'm not an entirely good person."

Posted: Sunday, 01 August, 2004 @ 05:33 AM

I only played the bloody roar that Xion was in for only a little while, but I thought that he was one of the coolest characters in it, good job!

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