
Blues Dragons Playin' the Rainbows
Blues Dragons Playin' the Rainbows by @lynne (Lynne)

You know it's blues because they're wearing sunglasses. u.u ... or maybe that's just because the footlights are too bright. ANYWAY! :D I've been working on this pic for a loooong time.. on and off.. but it's finally finished! And I don't like how it came out.. but that's okay.

It's Ranlumez, on the piano, and Yao Chi, on the saxophone. u.u They are my favorite colorfulish Dragons, and I can't remember what inspired this idea, except that I've actually HAD an idea to do these two playing a jazz duet for MONTHS and it's taken me this long to bring it into reality! o_O whappy arms

Finished Work
19y358d ago
Other Work By @lynne

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 08 May, 2004 @ 12:13 AM

XD!!! SUNGLASSES! I love it! An' Ranlu's even got that funny "Yeaaah....I'm cool" look on his face! u.u This should not be called "the blues." THIS should be called "the rainbows." u.u

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