
Party like it's 1776!
Party like it's 1776! by @lynne (Lynne)

My half of an art trade for Bastyyyyyyyy and also just a fun something... see, she noticed Mozart's hair was getting long so she decided to cut and style it for him and give him a makeover. Mmmyup.

So! I have drawn here, the lovely Bastish, for kicks, drawn in 18th century-type clothes to contrast with the newly 2004-styled Mozart. She spiked his hair and gave him swooshy orange pants. Yes, yes she did.

I really like the background on this o_@ It's all drawn free-hand, including the lighting!! It is muuuch more satisfying when you actually draw in the lighting rather than using a special effect for it. Cuz see, you can choose where the shadows fall. u.u

Finished Work
19y326d ago
Other Work By @lynne

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 02 June, 2004 @ 06:28 PM

XD! Y'know, I TOTALLY did spike his hair. u.u And I want those pants. 6.6 They're like, bright orange!

Eee! :] It's PG me! With the blackish hair, yes. u.u How neat. I got a FEATHER! And a NIFTY HAT! 8D!!! Those hats rock! Wheee! And everything's all pruple ish colored and COOL! And you're right, it's gonna take awhile to get used to his new look. XD

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