Blue Deyeu

Pyphons (slightly better version)
Pyphons (slightly better version) by @Dalamar (Blue Deyeu)

I was showing off my various pics of gryphons to a friend, and she says, out of the blue, 'Why don't you draw a puffin gryphon?'

So I did.

Obviously not a finished picture, I just wanted to post it now, because it's likely to be a while before I fix it up and maybe color it in.

There once was a puffin just the shape of a muffin, who lived on an island in the bright blue sea. He ate little fishes that were most delicious, and he had them for breakfast and he had them for tea.

But the poor little puffin, he didn't have nuffin', for he didn't have anyone to play with at all. So he sat on his isle and he cried for a while and he felt very lonely and he felt very small.

And then up came the fishes and they said 'If you wishes, You may have us for playmates instead of for tea.'

So they all played together in all sorts of weather, and the puffin eats pancakes like you and like me.

19y291d ago
Other Work By @Dalamar

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