Jessica Hawks

Cast-Pheonix Wing
Cast-Pheonix Wing by @ginasadiren (Jessica Hawks)

god... this was a story from like.... 10 years ago when I was in middle school. Honestly, all I remembered of the story is character names and their appearence ^^; I was sitting at work and it popped in my head... anyways characters are:

Bird=Pheonix Green Guy in Corner: ....uhm.... King something oO; Hooded Guy: Hooded Guy (he never had a name) Elf Lady: Malone Red hair boy: Felix Blonde haired girl: Daisy black hair little girl: Lily-bell red hair little girl: Rosie king: ..... uh... thats just it... King oO;

all I really remember is Daisy and Pheonix were the main characters, and Rosie and Daisy were best friends growing up, but Rosie died in a fire when she was a little girl.

oh... and of course there was a love thing going on between Felix and Daisy... I'd like to rp this one day... maybe refresh my memory on the story shrug

Finished Work
19y167d ago
Other Work By @ginasadiren

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 15 November, 2004 @ 09:34 PM

Wow! I'm impressed you would remember all that from middle school! The characters all seem so full of life, I hope you get around to writing this story. It really seems like it would be good. I love the composition, and your coloring is great, as always. :)

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