Lauren Rankin

Spring Dance
Spring Dance by @Claidis (Lauren Rankin)

I had intended it to be a renaissance dance picture but, back then you could show as much cleavage as you wanted but it was highly innapropriate to show your ankles or legs. I keep doing the snouts wrong on these lupine pictures; definitely need more practice. And, as usual, some bleaching from the scanner, but that's probably for the better considering the only good pink marker I have is too saturated/bright pink.

The background gave me a lot of trouble; I kind of regretted doing a tree because it turned out to be such a pain in the rear! White-out helped though, to give it somewhat of a blossomy look.

Finished Work
19y82d ago
Other Work By @Claidis

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 11 February, 2005 @ 12:30 AM

Impressive . . . good shading, good effects on the tree, excellent portrayal of motion through pose and the position of the ribbons . . .in fact, there are only two critiques I can offer for this. 1. Their cheeks look a bit pouchy. Not the best way to describe what I'm trying to say, but I think you know what I mean. I think their snouts look fine. 2. The leftmost dancer's chest looks a little . . . off. I'm not sure how, exactly, but it doesn't look /quite/ right. All in all, though, a very good job. Keep it up!

Posted: Friday, 11 February, 2005 @ 08:40 PM

Thank you for the honest critique, I appreciate it.

I suppose I know what you mean about their cheeks now. It was only after I consulted my boyfriend on the way they look that I got some more honest feedback. They were supposed to be wolves, and he's like..."Uh, no, they look rodent-like...their ears need to be more slung back, and their cheeks are too pouchy." me: "........?!?!??!?!" NUCLEAR MUSHROOM CLOUD hehe, I guess I still need a ton more practice with those kinds of forms. As for her chest, I know what you mean---it was a flaw even I could see, but one I didn't realize was there until after I inked it. The left breast needs to be moved over towards the arm more; they're too close together. I have a bad habit of doing that as far as female chests go.

Anyway, thanks for the comment!

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  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
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