Blue Deyeu

Blegh! by @Dalamar (Blue Deyeu)

Ah, this is the other half of the elegant Blood Hunters...

Okay, let me lay out the scene for you. Javert (laughing vamp) and Lestat (choking vamp) were discussing incidents where they mistook red fluid for blood...red teas, sodas, and in this case, hummingbird feed.

Yes apparently our Fancy Fiend Lestat has mistaken a hummingbird feeder for free blood.

He swooped down on it, grabbed it up, and had it half emptied before he realized that--hey! It wasn't blood...and tasted quite nasty, in fact.

So here he is, sputtering very inelegantly on his nectar, while Javert, an original French vampire, stands by laughing helplessly. It's a good thing that boy is already dead, you know, because being unable to breathe is a lot less dangerous if you don't actually HAVE to engage in said breathing.

The little hummingbirds are flying around wondering what this large gasping creature is...they're quite stupefied.

19y78d ago
Other Work By @Dalamar

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