Nora Dallaire

Obligatory School Uniform AU Thing
Obligatory School Uniform AU Thing by @NakedTooth (Nora Dallaire)

I'm not sure what happened here... I was playing around, and I realized there was no dorky high-school AU to Worldweave. With Ryo and Sky in a higher grade than Cy, obviously. Originally, professor Lakota was supposed to be there, too, but he wasn't cooperating. Neither were Eri, Lemon or Aries. shrug

Half of those lines aren't supposed to be there.

The girls are wearing my school uniform! Ish. Sky's is how I wore it, and Ryo's is how my friend Miho wore it. And I really did look as dorky as Sky does here... sigh

Cy is dressed in what I imagine my host-brother's uniform may have looked like if he ever did it up properly/tucked it in.

That little round-ish pencil-case Cy's dropping is of the type I habitually use as a tampon case. Yay for small cases!

Umm, there were ends to his hair, but they didn't scan right.

I might colour this, if I can work up the courage to do so.

Worldweave and all its characters belong to Tenna and Poe!

Rough / Concept
18y266d ago
Other Work By @NakedTooth

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