Blue Deyeu

This can only end in tears.
This can only end in tears. by @Dalamar (Blue Deyeu)

This is an old version of the picture...It's been inked by now, but my scanner is a beast.

I was actually at the premier release of the sixth book with my friends when I drew this. It was late, we were kinda tired and overly warm, and it was the summer of Aliens for us...seriously, she spent five nights in a row at my house, and we made chestburster cookies.

But I digress. Anyway, the Aliens movies were on our minds. And we had to wonder....

"Since the aliens take on attributes of their host...what would happen if Harry got attacked by a face hugger?"

A magic-using Alien! How frightful! How funny! And so this was born. None of the other fans were terribly amused, by the way....

Rough / Concept
17y102d ago
Other Work By @Dalamar

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