Chase M. Martin

Expression Practice
Expression Practice by @Chase_the_Cat (Chase M. Martin)

So. These are... yeah. Oldish. About two and a half months, I suppose. But all the same...

So. Some of you may well be familiar with my usual fancharacter, Chase the Cat. Well. About two/three-ish months ago, Chasey here got one hell of a revamp.

Seriously. I practiced an anthro style to pull her out of the fandom world and make her... her own character, really. Free of the Sonicverse. And it required redesign, and lots of it. Including a whole change in background, though some of the original elements were kept, yadda yadda yadda... Main point is, I have started drawing her this way. Oh, I still draw her in that Sonic-ish fancharacter style, but this anthro thing has definately grown on me.

And this one... well. This was drawn near the end of the school year, when I got my poor little heart broken by a crush who knew it all too well from the beginning of school, stalled an answer, then gave me one-- by starting to date a completely different girl. Needless to say, Chase took a lot of the blows for me. That's what happens when you're an artist and need to share your miseries. :P Also needless to say, I am a great deal better now. Happy again, and not with the self-esteem of a naked mole rat. But I still love how Chase's expression came out in this one. Yeahyeah~ <3

This is also one of my experiments with digital color, since I fail at it and all that jazz. But I like the way this went over. Switching the lineart layer to 'multiply' saves all the trouble. OMG. (D squishes her amazing internet friends for being amazing and wiser than her And... yeah. I do think that's it. loooong description lolerskates

Rough / Concept
16y249d ago
Other Work By @Chase_the_Cat

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Friday, 24 August, 2007 @ 09:05 AM

Aww! She looks so sad, but I love how you did with this picture, you did great on her expression. Great job on it! ^__~

Posted: Sunday, 26 August, 2007 @ 12:23 AM

She does look sad! I was rather taking out my sadness on her at the time, and if I recall, that was a badbad day I drew that. But alas. I'm glad you liked it~ I know I'm stupidly proud of it. XD <3

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