demented rabbit

It's showtime
It's showtime by @Demented_Rabbit (demented rabbit)

~I'm not evil, I'm just good looking.~

I blame and for this. -lol- They brought back my love for Beetlejuice. So this is my first shot. It took me longer than it seems. I had to wait and go back to it on several occasions. And what better way to finish it when you're restarting your computer till 5AM?? I always loved the opening sequence from the series, especially the shot where you just see Beetlejuice fixing the cuff of his sleeve, preparing. I don't know, it's just exciting. A little bit of fan squee there. -lol- So I decided to do him in this pose. I was having a bitch of a time trying to figure out how to sketch him; I decided to venture a bit from the series (keeping some concept) and make him a bit more villiany looking. I tried to keep the shape he was but with the coloring of the stripes, well the potbelly kind of disappeared. -lol- And he became a bit more handsomer than sinister. I really wanted to keep somewhat of the original character concept. Ah well. I'm happy with this. I rather enjoy the hair myself.

Finished Work
15y333d ago
Other Work By @Demented_Rabbit

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