demented rabbit

Can you dig it?
Can you dig it? by @Demented_Rabbit (demented rabbit)

Finally finished another old sketch but of a character in my gallery...near the beginning. XD I couldn't redo her jumpsuit, after many tries it look awful, more than it is now. So it could just be one of the many ones she has, perhaps just to use to look at her new environment. As you remember, from another world. Not sure if she using a cloaking device for the skin color once she saw humans, in order to blend in...I lost interest in the whole idea, because it sounded too much like many mangas/stories out there. However, that doesn't mean I'll stop drawing her.

I was going to continue with something spacy for the title, but I"m watching The Warriors and well... -lol-

Finished Work
15y321d ago
Other Work By @Demented_Rabbit

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