Julie Miyamoto

Cognitive: Insanity
Cognitive: Insanity by @Minzoku (Julie Miyamoto)

I've speculated that the reason very few--if any, other than me--have seen these fantastic beasts is that they exist on a separate plane from ours, and their (in)visibility is due to not being able to perceive this alternate plane of reality.

For instance, imagine a friend has made an ugly face at you behind your back. When you turn around, the friend has stopped making that face. The ugly face still exists at that point in time several seconds in the past, but you can no longer see it. The past is now just as invisible to you as the plane on which the Emotive and Cognitive exist, and yet we feel the effects of their presence all the same.

Insanity is a particularly cruel beast, although I imagine it is quite calculating in its decision of whom to strike.

15y66d ago
Other Work By @Minzoku

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