Daisy Hunt

"You're late." by @Lucky_Ladybug66 (Daisy Hunt)

I really love how this one came out. And even though they're not even in America, I had to add the trademark triangular stone.

Autor, of course, is much too dignified to sit on any old tombstone (a highly disrespectful-seeming gesture). The one he's sitting on happens to be his own. And if you want to figure that one out, you'll just have to read I Guess It Doesn't Matter Anymore, Your Presence Still Lingers, and Your Name is Angels Whispering at my FF.net account. ;) http://www.fanfiction.net/~Luckyladybug

You'll notice from the date that things have been firmly set in the modern day. But I think I do a good job of keeping the old feel of Kinkan. There are lots of hints that it could be modern day nevertheless, and that's my personal preference.

Originally I set the boys' ages between 16-17, but I decided to drop them to 14-15 so they won't grow up too fast in the fics. ;)

13y360d ago
Other Work By @Lucky_Ladybug66

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