Richard Caballero

Hubbie by @redhusky (Richard Caballero)

This is Elle's (http://redhusky.deviantart.com/#/d3b2i2c) husband, Percival. He's named after his grandpa. X3 You can't see his collar because it's under his sweater.

He's a banana fox, it's a specie of fox that I made up. Their fur pattern looks like a banana. I like creating new species for animals that I like but I find are get boring. I got so many, I should draw them up later.

He's the second main character of the year. He's a house husband but he's doesn't cook, clean, or do anything too useful for that matter. But you know she loves him. :3

This was originally going to be a quick sketch but then it found it's way being completed. I used a brush that I don't usually color with but I like the effect it has on his clothes. Those are jean/sweats in case your wondering why you can't see a zipper. It's not like he has anywhere to go. X3

Finished Work
13y30d ago
Other Work By @redhusky

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