B Sanders

Bashra Knight Apprentice
Bashra Knight Apprentice by @fragmented_imagination (B Sanders)

I conceptualized this about two months ago to commemorate the fact that I'd just built one of my conlangs ("Bashyran") to a total vocabulary of a thousand words. Because I'm that big of a loser. And I decided that, since I'm building the language to suit a fantasy culture, I decided that I wanted to make pictures to correspond with the milestones I decided to celebrate. For a little background: the Bashra are a warrior society, although not as fanatic as Stargate: SG-1's Jaffa or psychotic as Star Trek's Klingons. This particular picture is an apprentice to the Bashra's knight caste, a proud caste which most Bashra strive to be a part of. After education at a knight academy, he will eventually be picked up by a veteran and taught that knight's martial skills. This guy must get a master once he leaves the academy; if he goes for too long without one, he will be forced by his family to pick up a different trade.

Finished Work
10y62d ago
Other Work By @fragmented_imagination
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