Erik Amill

Colt the Angrycorn
Colt the Angrycorn by @ProphetEKA (Erik Amill)

Of course, I named Colt. "Ed" would be a little too on the nose for Mr. Angry Unicorn Boy. = )

I have no idea why I ended up drawing an angry dude turning into a unicorn. I honestly set down to draw something kinda' cutesy. I sorta' got there if you count the graphic on his shirt.

A possible plan for later is to do this up digitally. Extend the bottom out so I can show the shift happening in his hand, make the glows all evil and stuff, make the unicorn part of this in as bright and happy a palette I can muster 'cause Unicorns.

As with many of these I color shifted this in Fireworks to the cotton candy-est of colors. Again, 'cause Unicorns. = P

Finished Work
5y16d ago
Other Work By @ProphetEKA

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