ShadowFox Kiyjaeryin

alias: ZIP Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Appearing to be about 5'0", ZIP is a Created (Artificially created Irken) with an outgoing personality. She loves nearly anyone and everyone and can be a bit too social for everyone's liking. She crashed her ship through the roof of ZIM's house 15 years ago and then invited herself to stay. The two have been figuring out how to rule the world ever since. Some of her plans have involved plagueing the world with the dreaded flower the dandylion and creating a rock band known as Planet Irk. She is the drummer for the band, just as KEEYR is the lead singer. Other members include ZIM himself on electric guitar, Dib on bass, and another singer who just happens to be neighborhood werewolf Zachary Lupine. ZIP has an ability to halfway transform (meaning half-irken half fill in the blank there). Her favorite form seems to be half-squirrel. ZIP and ZIM eventually got hooked up and have one child, an insane daughter by the name of Cerulean (her nickname is Fizz).