Paula Pugh

Demion Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Ok Demion is my char. Please do not steal.

Dem. has two different origons. The 1st one is more accurate. I was going through one of my artist blocks. I wanted to draw something Nny-ish like a MoFo I wanted to draw something Nnyish and be original. Well I was listing to the classical station and they were playing a piece of Russian music that really inspired me. I even wrote it down. It was the Reserection Symphony movement #2 in C minor, I didn't catch the composers name. The Music was so dark and love lorned I just had to draw something spooky.

Dem. wasn't the 1st guy I came up with when listeing to this music. He was very picky about they way he wanted to look when he came out on paper. He kept coming out bald the 1st couple of times I drew him. Then he finally said I want hair and a kilt. His boots were a different style too. They rolled up at teh end of the kilt, the 1st picture of him in my archive has his original boots. He didn't quite come to me as the anti-christ too, he was more like a vampire (which explains why he came out bald) but he wasn't very vampirish to me, or the vampire was too plaied out for Demion. Anti-christ best describes the horns.

Dem.s design came to be by a guy I was forced to sit next too in math class. The type of sweaters Dem. wears was the type the guy wears, but the guy didn't wear kilts. Anyway this guy was a stoner and a jerk to most other girls, but i liked him....why?....because we talked to each other. If you've read JTHM you would know that Nny and Devi went out on a date because they had interesting converations together in the book store. Well we had interseting conversations in math class, and I grew to his company. Unfortunatly he dropped out of the class and I havn't seen him scence. I realized how much I liked I regret I didn't get to know him better. He was probally A more evil man then we'd talk about. He was funny though and we had a lot in common. He intoduced me to "Gear" and I introduced him to "IZ". One of the best adivce he gave to me was, and I still use it to this day because it sums up my feelings about cold weather and why I like it, "When it's hot you can take off everything until you're butt naked and you'd still be hot. But when it's cold you can put enough cloths or blankets on you'd eventually get warm again". He dropped out the night I drew Demion.

So any way, the music giving me this love lorn vampire-ish theme, I had to make a girl. The Girl was the 1st one to come out on paper. Her name is Maid, because that's what she is. When she was alive she used to help out Dem.s mom with her diablity, and Dem. would refuse to call her by her real name (he thought she was a bitch, and she was). Dem. ended up accidentlly gutted her and he knew that he couldn't take care of his mom bye himself, so he stited Maid back up and has kept her alive scence.

Scence her death Maid has not been very cowardinated. She often just smiles at everyone with a blank stare and does what Dem. tells her too. She is not his girlfriend but for the longest time she was the only girl he hung out with in my mind. Later on I made Rebbca Reper (who I'll introduce to you guys later)also known as "Rebel" , and she becomes one his women side kicks. I'll get inot her better in my next upload of her, but in short she best represents my young life. She's two years younger than Dem.

Now Demion, to you, is a bit mysterious. He has I pretty troublesome childhood, not like he was picked on and he went crazy over it, it's just he has never been loved. Adults have thought he was a dog, he was an orphan for half of his life, they forced him to be in a christian bible orphanage with the nuns and all. That's the jist of his childhood, but I don't want to give you all the jucey details yet because there will be some published issues about this later. He was just never was loved by a mother or parent, and always misunderstood. He has always been really smart. He understood how things worked in the world no matter how much the nuns beat him. Nothing could changed the cold hard facts.

In junior highschool, after he found his mom, he was a real prick. He got better scence then, he thinks with his head now, but because everyone is so used to him thinking with dick (he still does from time to time but not like before) they don't want him to change. The series, in the begining, is want everybody would want in life; to be looked beyond the stereotype. Everyone wants him to act a certen way but it's always their way, not his. Well he gets pissed at people and either embaresses them or kills them (mostly kills).

That's the moral factor of the comic. Demion's adventures vary from, trying to get laid, trying to get respect, or staying alive. Dem. often will run into horrible satanic monsters and such because God's trying to kill him. he does run into Jesus sometime during the series and they end up becoming friends later on, too. Really most of the comic, from the start has no real plot and is just a collection of comics and stories that make you laugh, cry, and spontaniously combust all at once. The Theme is to be yourself, and screw anyone that stands in your way (kindda).

What makes Demion the Anti-Christ. He doesn't like the things Heaven supports. Heaven gives blissful happyness. How? By making you an unfeeling idiot. Ignorance is bliss, right. Well you don't need to know that man evolved from monkeys, it hurts to give birth (the snake gave Adem and Eve the apple of Knowlege and the truth hurt). The only thing Dem. likes about heaven is that is doesn't support the idea of separate race (no blacks, no asians, no white, people are people). Demion doesn't like the idea of not being able to feel, or live. Just sitting and floating is too boring for him. He likes being able to bleed, have pleasurful sex, feel the pain of rejection. Live and learn is a nice way to live.

Stats: Age:18 or older Hight:5'8" Wieght: 120 something (more with cloths on) Demion likes: All sorts of girls (fat, skinny,old,you name it, he'll do it) Sex, his mom, deep fried cajen chicken (mmm), broadway music, little chubby babies,sex, smoking pot, prono, being able to wear pants correctly, play-doh (ice cream), sex, when people understand him for what he is, the thought of christianity dying off, getting hit by cars, his "packege", Sex, making grown men cry, being loved, cows!, did I mention sex? Dislikes: Men, gay men, strait men pretending to be gay, gay men pretending to be strait, being raped, having oral or anal sex with men, likeing having oral and anal sex with men, sex, smoking pot, people asking for a smoke or a drink, when people say he's a stoner, religion (duh),when people expect him "to do something funny", being lost in a total and helpless state of dispare, the fact that ignorance is bliss, people are happy for being christans, the threat of nucliar war, the world, when the whores start chasing you down demanding their money, when the drag queens start chasing you down demanding their money, when everything starts taisting like vomit, Nero (Dem.s Arch rival: more on him later)