Skyri Selvaen

Kyathane Character Reference

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A powerful mage of a race called Archaelans. Similar to elves, these people have extreme longevity, greater physical strength and agility as well as better senses; apart from this they are very silmilar to humans in their thoughts, faults and emotional weaknesses. They exist on our earth but on a seperate 'layer', like another dimension, separated by a thin window of time that is sometimes breached from either side, resulting in brief contact usually dismissed as illusions, mirages, ghosts or imagination. Ky is married to Skyri-Wren of a winged race of distant relation to the Archaelans, is father to winged son Lyren (whose twin is deceased) and the identical twins girls Kelyn and Kywyn. Ky is son to Thaen and Lasuen, and identical twin brother to Kayethos. Physically he is tall and well built with large pointed ears, pale blond hair to his knees usually worn loose unless practising magics (his people rarely cut their hair, both sexes wear it long), fair skin and very pale eyes with cat-like pupils, one yellow(right) and one grey(left). Ky and his twin also have a tail they keep very well hidden, inherited from their mother who was of a different race.