Christopher Chidester

Kei the Honorable Character Reference

Place of Birth:
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(My Redwall avatar.) A full-blooded Highlander (Scottish) fox with red fur and hazel green eyes, dressed in the ancient kilt, bearing the tartan of the Wallace clan (he is based off Braveheart.) Kei started as a miserable son of a slavedriving tyrant mother and came to Redwall Abbey where, according to a dream, he became their chosen champion in a war against a rebel badger. Kei later founded the Knights of Redwall and then left on an exodus of warrior wanderlust, seeing the world and after two years, returned home with a great soulforge. Very valiant and courageous, Kei is a patriot to his two homes, Redwall Abbey and the Highlands. While sometimes very impulsive and quick to act before thinking, he greatly values reason, logic and peace. With the exception of a cousin, his only family are adopted, a brother and a few parental figures. With a great love for dibbuns (Redwall children), he desires a family of his own some day and has special likings to haremaidens; with a special romantic admiration for the fair Gaelic hare Hon. Calendula DeFfemilio Bramble (aka Hon Cally.) Redwall is © Brian Jacques (a warm-hearted and very well-loved gentleman that I dream of meeting one day!)