Meghan Micelli

Nova Foxes Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

The Nova Fox is an interesting creature. It's fur is silver-grey with a white chest and underbelly along with the tip of it's tail and insides of it's ear. No one knows where they came from but people suggest the stars, hence the name. They live in groups, unlike regular foxes, and these groups (called a clan) consist of 20 or more Nova Foxes. Each Clan has two Elder Nova Foxes (ages range from 25-60 yrs), who are the leaders of the clan; about 5-6 Adult Nova foxes (ages range from 10-25 yrs) whos Job is to hunt and raise Baby Nova foxes(ages range from 1-5 yrs); about 5-6 Juvenille Nova foxes (ages range from 5-10 yrs) and the rest consists of Babies. Each Nova Fox can use magic but do not acquire the ability to use it until they are at least 3 years of age. Each Nova fox also has it's own unique markings, but the Elders markings are the brightest among the clan.