Sara Maydew

t'Corraboo-Nahn (a.k.a "Corbeau") Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Corbeau (from the French word meaning "black" - his full name is in the Unicorn tongue and reads "The Black One") is a demi-demon of Unicorn origin. He closely resembles a Shire horse in build, and stands at just under 19hh. Other striking features include his colour (pure black with white mane and tail), the large fangs that protrude from either corner of his mouth, and a ridged alicorn that curves slightly backwards.

His half-brother is Brála, a fullblood demon. Brála is similar in build and colour, although his mane and tail are replaced by fire, he has tusks on his lower jaw as well and a second smaller alicorn sits below the one on his forehead. Brála was imprisoned by the Unicorn gods for getting too boisterous, as it were, and Corbeau - being of the same blood - is the sole key to releasing his half-brothers spirit. Though Brála has no corporial form, he can posess Corbeau and have a physical body that way.

Corbeau is immortal, and although he has no magickal powers he does have supreme self-healing abilities due to the demon blood. He is extremely bad-tempered, anti-social and something of a racist towards other half-breeds of Unicorn (which is ironic, considering his own heritage). He is an exceptional fighter, but only because he works himself into a fury and doesn't leave off until his opponent is dead/run away/etc. His immortality is the reason for this - he has no reason to fear death, and pain is only a temporary thing.