Lisa Williams

Oryan Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Uhh... Hi... ^_^; I'm Oryan... Guya's best friend. I, uh, really don't like to be put on the spot like this but... It looks like I'm here so.. Heh... gotta talk then.

climbs onto the Side 7 Soapbox of doom

Okay, uh... voice cracks My names Oryan and I'm just a cub... I'm a little older than Guya and... I'm kinda shy around new people... However, if I see someone who I think is in trouble or is being mistreated, I can very easily abandon my shy side- if there's one thing I don't like to see, it's people being mistreated...

That might eplain why I wasn't so shy when I met Guya... I mean, I was shy at first... but once I realized she was being picked on by bullies and made fun of, I got a little mad... >/

So... Uh, where did I come from? Well, I came from a tribe that rests a little beyond the Chamoskee Canyon Territory.. it's huge and it connects many lands together. I was born there and as long as I could remember my parents were on a form of exile. Our Malki (tribal king/cheif/leader) Seemed to have some grudge on my dad, though I don't know why... All I know is that we were banished from our home and if we come back he'll kill me, even if I never did anything wrong. >\ I have a sister as well, but we don't know what happened to her....

Hmm.. Uh.. I don't know if I explained it all, but I hope I said some things.... ^_^ What else? Well, I want to be a guardian when I grow up... I rarly fight but my dad HAS been training me... Though I almost never use the skills... I'm sure they will come in handy one day. I hope I get a great mane when I grow up. I know one day I want to go out and explore the canyon. Hee... Okay, I'll go down now...

((Artist's interuption: X_X!! Sorry, he gets mondo stagefright. If Guya was up here preaching with him he'd be fine. When he's with his friends, he DOES have a hyper side. But I really can't take him anywhere. ^^;; He's VERY shy around people he only just meets, and very sweet.... but when he does see something that is wrong, he will have an amazing sense of power flow through him that will make him VERY brave.... I mean, even I wouldn't mess with him then. Other than that, he's a shy, timid and polite cub who's traveled almost all his life untill his family got accepted into the Owslan Tribe. ^^ Yep. He's a cute cubby over all. pets him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authoress' Summary:

Name: Oryan

Character From: Chronicles of the Owsla

Species: Lion

Likes: Sunsets, food, friends, afternoon naps and playing tag.

Dislikes: Mean people, simple pleasures (like drugs or something if I can put it in human terms), being put on the spot... And watching others get hurt both physically and/or emotionally.

Bio? Read above. ^_^;

Weakness: His shyness. >.o;

Symbolizes: The stars. Quiet and peaceful, yet admirable. ^_^