Lisa Williams

Veto and Naeo Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

artist tapes the twin's mouths shut ^__^;;

Sorry, if I let /them/ talk, then you'd be REALLY confused... Mainly because they're very confusing characters. o.O And even though they're identical, they're quite different from eachother.

Okay, first I'll talk abotu Veto. He's about as old as Oryan, maybe a little older, maybe a little younger. He's very young in appearence but he is the elder brother out of him and his twin, Naeo. In most litters, cubs are usually born in pairs of 2-5 in real lifde, I think 4 or 5 is about average... and they're rarely twins... just fraternal siblings... but these two are identical. ^_^

His fur is a beautiful silverish shade of crimson- his mother, Akasha, has the same crimson shade but no one knows where the twins silver shade comes from... but in color it's quite pretty. ^_^;

Veto takes it upon himself to be the leader figure between him and his brother... He makes most of the decisions and thinks he has the dominance... but the two are still pretty close. He looks out for Naeo with everything he's got and he'd do anythign to save his twins life or die trying. He'd be a good character if one of his hobbys wasn't torturing Guya and making her life miserable. >.D Veto: looks at artist and gulps

Next is Neao.... Ah, Naeo, what an interesting character... He's very... um... Well, have you ever studied psychology? I'd say Veto is the "Id" figure and Naeo is sort of the 'alterego', or the consciance. He sometiems opposes things Veto does but is VERY easily lead into peer pressure.... -_-;; He does feel sorry for Guya once in a while, but rarely. And if he does feel pity for her, he'll NEVER show it!

Out of him and his brother, he's more of the innocent one, as well as the comic relief figure- he can be VERY funny attimes and has a golden sense of humor, but he also has very powerful serene and sincere side. When he see's somethign that even he thinks has gone too far he will help put a stop to it. Veto wouldn't.

Both twins are VERY strong fighters. Once they made their pledge (In the tribe, lions are trained to be warriors or guardians when they are very young or reach a certian age, and before they start their pledge, they must make a pledge or a solomn oath on either a partly cloudy night, or a night of a full moon that they will NEVER use their skills to harm the innocent or hurt others just for fun or just because they don't like someone, but will only use their training for it's real purpose: to defend themselfs and the innocent), both twins were trained immediately and sometimes accompany the lionesses on the hunt as part of their training. They've both gained a decent amount of skill, too!

Yayee. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authoress' Summary for Veto:

Name: Veto

Character From: Chronicles of the Owsla

Species: Lion

Likes: Power, feeling in charge (though he's clumsy with his leadership sometimes... which gets him in a LOT of trouble), insulting Guya, excitement, helping with the hunt, dabates and action.

Dislikes: Silence, boreingness, hunger, the cold and.... who knows?

Bio? Read above?

Weakness: When he feels things get too far out of hand, he is ready to turn tail and RUN... unless Naeo is in trouble.

Symbolizes: Don't ask. o_o;

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authoress' Summary for Naeo:

Name: Naeo

Character From: Chronicles of the Owsla

Species: Lion

Likes: Food, shiney objects, a share in the feeling of being in charge and playing in the grass.

Dislikes: Fleas, crying, Veto getting HIM in trouble, being misunderstood, being mistaken for Veto, and when he feels frightened.

Bio? See above

Weakness: His confusion.

Symbolizes: Good and evil. He's a complex character. =D