Dave Hayford

Roy Paladin Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Roy Hedgehog was born in the Astral Plains, and was soon left at an orphanage. He grew up in the streets, and used his size (even as a young teen) to mug people for loose change. He decided to take up boxing just for the money. He also joined a dark army as a mercenary...also for the pay. He would fight against their enemies, but never kill.

One day on a mission, he was struck by a legendary Hypernuke Comet. The blast should've killed him, but he discovered that he had gained quite a few powers. Flight, enhanced sword-fighting abilities, extra strength, and even the ability to fire a Hypernuke Blast. He, having a change of morals, would fight against the dark army, and make friends with warriors from the land of Ancientia, who were at war with the demon army.

He also became the Heavyweight Champion in boxing (four times to be exact), as a way to inspire hope to the people who were being oppressed. People, and Fiends who were in the dark army also boxed, trying to beat Roy. Roy never fought a Fiend he didn't beat. He is retired since the summer of 2002, and takes up an interest in art.

The spring of 2002, he was attacked by the King of Fiends, Kusahm. Roy fought valiantly, but he wasn't strong enough. Kusahm turned Roy Paladin into ashes, and went to celebrate by feasting on innocent townsfolk thereafter. Luckily, Roy's friends managed to revive him, but for some reason, his body manifestated as an anthro wolf, with a third eye nonetheless. His extra eye gives him knowledge, as well as mystical abilities (summoning, and perhaps other things as well). He, however, lost all of his powers as a Mystic Paladin. He's fine with how he is now.

NAME: Roy Paladin AGE: 26 SEX: Male SPECIES: Anthro Wolf HEIGHT: 6' 2" WEIGHT: 210 lbs. EYES: Two blue, one gold TALENTS: Retired prizefighter, artist, beginner summoning skills.