Courtney Leibig

Shanarah Arlyah Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Species: White Tigress

Sex: Female

Age: 22

Height: 5’8”

Hair: Long, curly auburn

Eyes: Brown

Appearance: Shanarah is a morph so she can be anywhere from mostly animal to mostly human. She is white with black stripes and a distinctive pattern on her face. She has no bangs, but has shorter hair that frames her face. The majority of her hair is long reaching nearly down to her tail when in a humanoid form. She has both ears pierced once. She tends to wear revealing outfits and loves jewelry.

Personality: Shanarah is outgoing and loveable. She’s always in search of new friends and loves a good joke. She’ll hug anyone whom she thinks needs one, but don’t cross her.

Story: Most people who know one of my characters probably know Shanarah. She is one of my very first original characters. She is basically my alter-ego character. She often symbolizes me in my art. I role-play as her quite often.