Star Pyth

Star Pyth Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Picture coming soon

Star is a spunky, independet (i cant spel) loud, tough, tomboy. she is a spirit detective and also delinquent. (this was all even before I found out about yyh)

Star is 1/2 sayjin, 1/8 panther, 1/8 fairy, and1/4 majin- all have their own section in her head such as: her normal super sayjin has trh two forms of powered up and down, the panther has a cat form and a cat girl form, there is the majin, and then the feminin fairy. She has the spikey blonde hair and emerald eyes

I have a story (but cant spoil it for you now can I?) which will probally be rated PG-13 I have not finshed it but let me know if anyone thinks it sounds intresting...