Allison Bell

Amalia Dra'silla Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Age: 24 Sex: female. Occupation: Escaped (? O.o) Princess… Traveler. Eye colour: Light brown. Hair colour: Soft red. Attitude: Strong willed and brave of heart this girl knows what she wants and how she wants it. Being brought up in a royal family taught her a lot, but since she was female her father would not let her learn the art of battle. During the night Amalia would sneak from her room by climbing out by her window, easily avoiding the guard that stands at her door. She’d take a quick trip to the weapons storage room that wasn’t far from her chambers and take her pick of sword. She would then go to the horses’ stables and practice what she had seen. Learning as much as she could while she could. Unluckily one night a guard found her wielding a weapon and reported it to the king. The king had told all his guards that his daughter is forbidden to be doing such things. Amalia’s father was stubborn and wanted his daughter to grow up exactly how a princess should. Amalia spent four weeks locked up in her chambers. One of her chamber slaves would visit her to teach her tapestry. Amalia despised this and was always trying to plan a way to escape from what to her seemed a prison. She was seen always looking out her window, down at all the knights and fighters. Always watching. While Amalia was locked up in her chambers her father had been planing to have his daughter married. He was sure that if he got her a husband that was as strict as he was he’d be able to set her straight and she’d act more like she should. Amalia met over five different suitors all of which she made leave cursing in anger at herself and her manners. Amalia would stand at her window and wave smiling as they would leave. Amalia didn’t want her life chosen for her. Therefore she went against anything she was told to do. She had tried running away several times but was always caught and brought back to her prison. One night during a great feast which she was allowed down to attend she snuck outside and to the stables. Finding her favourite horse, (a unicorn actually) Xcestra, she saddled him up and was ready to leave when she found someone was watching her, Rashellé, Rashellé stood in her way trying not to let the princess pass. She knew well that if Amalia left she would be blamed and probably killed for it. Amalia was not going to let herself be brought back to her prison and pleaded for Rashellé to join her. Rashellé, confused and unsure finally agreed and left with her. The two of them traveled non stop for two days.