Alice Ghost

Seraph Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

She's my inner demon personified. Her appearance shifts and changes to fit her mood; I dream of her all the time in many different incarnations. To me, Seraph is an omega angel, a gypsy moth, a half-present mystery; she eludes the clarity of light and stays in the shadows, just out of reach. Nothing can keep her. She is incapable of love, apathetic and mischievious. Intelligent but voiceless, she expresses herself through her eyes... a hazy grey with a glint of red. She has a thin frame, pale skin that's never seen the light of the sun, delicate features and wild dark hair. Glinting ram's horns grow from her head and small, useless wings sprout from her shoulderblades; one, two, three pairs, the number is always subject to change, like every other aspect of her being.