Alyssa O

Jack and Joquanda (Joker) Cosino Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Age: Early 30's
Desc: He's seven and a half feet tall, but very bony and thin, wit only a little muscle in his chest. He has brown hair with gold tips that is constantly in his lime green eyes. He usually wears a dark grey sweatshirt with khaki pants and navy beat-up check taylors. He has white fur with a brown ears and a brown spot around his left eye. He has one earring in his left ear.
Gender: Male
History: He's led a pretty average life, graduated from college with a bachelors in english, is a writer. His sister, Joka (it's Hebrew,) commonly known as Joker, will be graduating H.S. and coming to live with him soon.
Name: Jack Cosino
Personality: Very shy, he never would hurt a fly, he's that "perfect" guy who's sensitive, etc. He often gets lost in his own little world.
Species: Jack Russell Terrier