Chitose Himura

Aisuru Character Reference

Place of Birth:
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Aisuru is a quiet, reserved Irken who used to work as an adivisor to Tallest Red and Purple untill she quit. It's a little known fact amoungst the other Irkens that Red and Aisuru were lovers. This information wasn't released to the public, as the control brains could have easily taken her job; or even her memory away from her for... I dunno. Make an educated guess. Being in politics, Aisuru is an excellent liar. Her eyes always look naturaly sad, and she's very good at laughing when something isn't very funny. She keeps a diary where her deepest secrets and disires are recorded, but it's under heavy electronic security. Even the best of hackers wouldn't be able to view more than a few entries. Aisuru also built the beta of the Voot Cruiser, which Zim now pilots, and she designed the final version of the SIR unit.