
Vieka Zephyril Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Vieka is a female anthro fox who is just beginning to see the world. Her fur is white, her paws black, and the tip of her tail red. She has short, black hair tipped with fiery red, and her eyes are a sharp, emerald green color. She is Kayj's older sister.

Vieka's past is full of violence. As a teenager, she was taught how to sneak about, steal anything, and go unnoticed. She used her abilities to steal a priceless artifact from the king of her country, the Sword of Earth. Capable of causing earthquakes and volcanic eruptions with a single swing, the sword was heavily guarded by the king's best knights, but Vieka managed to get by. She swung the sword, almost destroyed the city, and was caught and put in jail.

Upon returning from jail, Vieka found that her family had disowned her. She always knew her mother despised her and was jealous of her and favored her mentally ill younger brother, and it showed. Angered, Vieka stole her family's gold and jewels and was again caught. But this time she fought back and escaped from captivity. Throwing the treasure into the river, she ran away to the city, never looking back. She was 18 when she left.

Since then Vieka has wandered from city to city, an unstable, restless, troubled vagrant who seldom stays in one town for more than four months. Somehow she manages to have enough money to support herself fairly well, although it is unclear how. She is more naive than one would think, and prone to addiction, but somehow her gullibility hasn't gotten her into too much trouble yet. She has never returned to her home village and has no idea what happened to her family, except for Kayj, who she has run into once or twice (the meetings were not friendly) over the years.