Kristen W

Vega Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Name: Vega Gengetsu Nicknames: Veggie, Star, Gen Age: 17 Birthday: June 21 Family: Mom, dad, and an older brother Hair: Vega's hair is pretty wild sometimes and naturaly black. She enjoys dying and cutting it whenver she can. Vega just lets her hair go but keeps it as clean as everyone else. Eyes: deep brown Build: 5' 2", Vega is pretty much average when she comes to height and weight. Hobbies: Reading, drawing, watching anime, reading manga, martial arts, playing her electric guitar, listening to music, goin' to the movies or the mall, and photogarphy. Favorite type of music: Vega listens to Punk, Classic Rock, 80s New Wave/one hit wonders, and a lot of political bands. Favorite bands: Rage Against the Machine, Sub-Humans, Dead or Alive, The Cure, Depeche Mode, John Lennon, Queen, Sex Pistols, The Ramones, The Clash, Eric Clapton, and a few others Favorite Food: Chicken Fried Rice and Miso Soup Favorite Movie: X or X/1999 Quirks: Vega can seem cynical from time to time, but she's really shy. She tends to stay by herself but is hyper around her selected friends. If a word is pronounced wrong she will correct you. If you're arguing about religion, Vega will listen and add her info to the mix. She's up tight about a few things, but she doesn't let people know what that is. :p