Kristen W

Clio Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Name: Clio Nicknames: Lio Age: 19-ish Birthday: July 27(ha! She's a Leo.) Family: A brother. She doesn't want to think about her mummy and daddy. Hair: Purple, black or blue. It's either spiked or put into a bob type thing. I have to draw that one. :p Eyes: Green Build: 5'6"(yeah, she's tall) and 130 lbs Hobbies: Reading, Drawing, chasing squirels, watching the clouds, playing her guitar or the piano. Yeah... Favorite type of music: Just about anything but Country, Christian, or recent pop music. She enjoys 80's new wave and alot of alternative bands. Favorite bands: Too much to name or think of. Favorite Food: Oreos and anything chocolate. Favorite Movie: She doesn't have a favorite. She likes too many. Quirks: She chases squirels, spazes out, zones out, and loves to jump onto people, whom she knows, and put them into a bear hug. Want any other quirks?