Facist Dictator

Friend's characters Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Rub-a-Dub aka Chelsea, girl, 13, wolf, Hollywood Undead. A very emotional, random one of a kind kid. Lamer's best friend and love of life. A deep thinker and boy-obsessor. Always wants to look her best, and is quite good at it. Very affectionate, especially towards Lamer. These two are the best of friends you will ever see. (Also, you will be seeing a -lot- of Rub-a-Dub in my gallery.) A chronic stoner, cigarette addict, and retarted drinker. Has a very free mind. (Bartholomew aka Mathew, boy, 13, coyote, Incubus. An extremely easy-going, very trustworthy, and random guy. Hilarious as shit when you get to know him but otherwise so shy he won't say a word. Lamer's boyfriend since November. Enjoys video games, drugs, drinking, committing criminal acts with brother, girlfriend, and pals, and is in love with rock n' roll. (Cherry aka Cheryl, girl, 12, wolf, everything. A really energetic and paranoid girl, always thinks she's right and sometimes gets pretty annoying. Lamer and her don't get along that well but they hang out sometimes anyway. Smoker of cigarettes and drinker of liquor, another one of Lamer's illegal lackies. (Monogrinze aka Keith, boy, 13, wolf, black/death metal. Lamer's ex boyfriend, an overly mature, boring, egotistical kid who is obsessed with the same talent that 87% of the world has - the ability to play the guitar. He thinks he is God himself when it comes to music. Formerly a friendless, sensitive, nerdy little bitch, Lamer taught him everything he needed to know to survive. The two split up thanks to Lamer sucking at life and love in general and now they pretty much never talk.