
Bucket Full'o Bolts Character Reference

Species: Robot
Birthday: April 22nd
Age: Adult
Place of Birth:
Height: 5'0
Weight: n/a
Orientation: lesbian
Gender Identity: fem
Pronouns: she/her

OVERVIEW Bucket is a robot that runs a rehab center for robots that are considered 'evil', attempting to prove that robots aren't programmed or built to be evil and that bad behavior can be fixed with a gentle touch and understanding. She's the planet's 'darling' in a sense not to mention she's dating the leader of the planet! She works as a psychologist and has a pretty good turn over rate.

PERSONALITY Bucket is a cheerful and optimistic bot, looking on the bright side of things while trying to stay logical. She is a helper and pacifist by nature though she can stand up for herself and be assertive if she needs to be. Her soft-spoken nature usually makes it easy for her to nurture and rehabilitate those who are less than savory.

BACKGROUND TDLR: Bucket was made for a project involving rehabilitation The project was defunded and Bucket was left to rot, missing the events of the war but powering on shortly after She now is a psychologist and works on bettering the worst of worst bots through kindness and patience.

Bucket was commissioned by humans only a year before the war between robots and humans to attempt to be a soother for recovering folk, though the project was quickly decommissioned and Bucket was quickly left stationary following the war. She would remain dormant for the war, only powering back on shortly after the war had ended. Her role during the war might've been non-existent but her role during the post war era was very apparent, as she lead bots into a positive mindset after all the bloodshed and raised morale for them to rebuild. It's well accepted that while Pal rebuilt their world physically, Bucket rebuilt it mentally.

Present day, Bucket is married to the leader of their planet, Pal. She's had many jobs throughout the years but now resides as a psychologist, helping the worst of worst and arguably questionable bots become better. She runs her own facility and is a firm believer that no bot is created bad, they're taught. She's quite busy but always makes time for her wife !!

  • Her voice can emit calming frequencies to nullify aggressive patients, it doesn't put them in a trance it morose relaxes them. Whenever she enters a room any tension is usually cleared.
  • Back in the post war days she would sing and raise troop morale to paint a better tomorrow, it's why shes seen as the planet's darling and is highly respected.
  • Despite being a robot she can eat, food phases through her screen and she eats like a waddledee. The on planet food simply converts into energy,
  • She has a few mannerisms which include clicking her finger joints, talking with her hands as well as wiggling or twitching her antennas.
  • She writes and does crafts in her free time as well as encouraging her patients to do that as well as an outlet, whether it works or not she's still happy that they tried! She would read and encourage fanfiction, she gets very happy when her patients want to show her their writings.
  • Old music, it makes her nostalgic and she just thinks its nice, she has no disdain towards newer music though and will always listen if someone shows her even if she personally doesn't like it!
  • Other robots, Bucket is very social and loves getting to know other robots, she believes getting to know a bot can really be an eye opener to ones circumstances and life!
  • The outdoors, she enjoys being outside no matter if it's sun or rain. She finds nature to be quite the gift and can't fathom why humans didn't pay it much respect.
  • Dancing is something Bucket likes to partake in due to her wife, she's a slow dancer but she likes that it gets her joints moving.
  • Slimy textures, they can easily slip between and in her finger joints, she isn't quite fond of slime.
  • Doomer mindsets make Bucket really upset considering how much good is in the world, she despises those who actively create misinformation just to make people panic.
  • Questions about her screen irk her, she never really gets it from robots but back when humans were around she would get it alot, jokes along the lines of "Can I play on your screen?', 'Can you run x?'. and so on irritate her.
Family and Friends:

PAL - Her wife! Bucket loves her a lot and couldn't imagine herself with anyone else. they're so in love its sickening ! She's so proud of how far her wife has come and really only has good things to say about her, she loves her tall wife