Lillian Valdemyer

-- ch'i lin -- Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Nervous, animated, restless - yet sure footed. Nimble feet of a deer, body of a horse, lavender-white hair coats the ethereal being, traversing down to a powder soft lions tail. In the centre of the forehead, a tusk - one long spiral culminating in a single perfect point. Almond eyes house green fire irises that watch all, see all and absorb into the starry depths of silence within. This is electric energy, star fire taken form, housed in countenance. All the grace of a swan and speed of a panther carried inside as mystery, legend, fable croses the arc of earth.

I am the Ch'i Lin, in your language, unicorn. Mortal eyes do not see me. Those who do are naturally curious but wary. I came from beyond the sun, in a time when your world was young. Thousands of millions have trod your lands since. I have seen them all. You do not know me as a shape, but as a gentle breeze on the nape of your neck, the faint scent of grasslands in springtime, a feather light touch from a loved one. To touch me is to touch heaven - to experience total silence, and in that silence, bliss. To see all and all at once, beyond the borders of time and space. What you term the fourth dimension. Past, present and future, it melds within me.

I am Ch'i Lin. I am the Unicorn.