Claire Horton

Missy Gabrielle Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Age: 15
Description: Standing before you at a petite height of about four feet is Missy Gabrielle Wolf. Her large, aqua eyes look at you with a warm sense of happiness and friendlyness, as you look at her figure, which is very slender. Her most prominent feature, her long blonde and blue hair frames her white face. Looking further down her body, her white chest is average-sized for someone her age. Her arms, also whte in color. Her waist is is thin and slender, and her legs are slim. Though she appears to be calm, inside, she is very distressed and confused, and is often unsure of herself, though she is able to hide it. She also looks to be usually social Princess Gabrielle finally notices that you're looking at her, and she smiles scared that you may hurt her but wanting to become friends.
History: Princess Gabrielle lived with her Mother and Father in the Royal Palace "Crystal Moon" .... Gabrielle went on a journey to get out of the palace, her Father was planning things, Gabrielle knew nothing about what he was planning, she had to get out of the palace for awhile, She ran past the guards by the help of "Shadow Wolf" her guard and helper, he could see she felt alone, so he thought by taking her away, he would be helpnig her. So Shadow took the Princess, to a place where she could make friends, under the identy of Sally Alisha, there was a Hedgehog she met his name was "Psyica" He told her, her family was in grave danger from the Wolf Pack "Tourios", Gabrielle was very confused that this hedgehog had figured out her true identy.Tourios, are enimies of Gabrielle's Father's Pack The Crystal Moon Wolves. Gabrielle had fun Shadow keeping a close eye out for the Princess's protection, Gabrielle went home with her new Hedgehog friend to find her Mother gone and her Father dead.....Her Mother left a note which said "Dear Gabrielle, I will come and find you, wherever you maybe.. Gabrielle ran away to the nearest forest "Iuoya Forest". In the forest Iouya she met Xander, Xander adopted Gabrielle and made her his little sister.... Where Gabrielle adopted the nickname "Little Missy".... Xander knew that young Gabrielle was very disstressed and something bad must of happend to her, though Gabrielle is very kind and loving to Xander and she loves him just like a real brother... but there's one thing Xander didn't know, he didn't know she was A Princess. Because Gabrielle was down. He decided to take her to some of his old friends to cheer her up,and took her to his old friend Zidane. What Xander didn't know was Zidane knew Princess Gabrielle and was in love with Gabrielle. He took her to Yumie Town. When she got there she said "c-c-an i- go see Zidane?".. Xander was shocked and knew that she must have lived here...before... Xander went to the old hut. Gabrielle got Xander a drink and some food. Then Zidane came into the hut. Gabrielle smiled and said "Hello Zidane!!!!!" shot out of her seat and hugged him. Xander was very confused that Zidane was now crying. He thought that Gabrielle was dead. or had been taken away. A howl came from the back of the bar and yelled PRICNESS?!?!!?!??!? Zidane jumped to protect Gabrielle... and from the bar appeard Shadow.. He picked Gabrielle up and hugged her tightly.. he Whsiperd to her "I will Protect you my Pricness" Behind Shadow appeard Queen Susan Wolf, Gabrielle hugged her mother tightley, The Queen was SO!!! HAPPY!! to see her daughter she intoduced Gabrielle to her new step Dad Kev. All of them lived happy together back in the palace for years Gabrielle reached the age of 15. On Gabrielle's Mother's birthday 2nd Jan, Gabrielle knocked on her mother's door she had a gift for her, There was noone in the room. The Queen was missing...... a note came to Gabrielle's door saying "Everyone in the palace must come to the forest.. we have the Queen !!.. all the guards King Kev, Zidane, Shadow, Xander and Gabrielle went into the forest. Another pack of evil wolves attacked the group.. Xander screamed to Gabrielle.. RUN INTO FOREST!!!! Gabrielle dissapeared and Gabrielle was alone again... a Real Wolf named "Thunder" found Gabrielle and saved her. Now, Thunder looks after Gabrielle, Zidane, is looking for his love, Her Mother and Kev are looking for the Princess,Xander is still alive and searching for Gabrielle.....his little sister he loves dearly....
Name: Princess Gabrielle "Missy" Wolf
Nicknames: Missuu is my most popular, Gabby, Missy and Missy-chan