Rachel Swyear

Lyjen Species Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Lyjen are just one of the many species of furry dragons living in this world. They were just recently discovered back in late 2000.

Most common color for a Lyjen usually ranges from light brown to black to blue. Markings can range from strips to spots depending on the "clan" that the Lyjen individual lives in.

The overall appearance of a male Lyjen looks very similar to a large lion. They have a mane that extends to the front of their chest and reaches past their shoulder blades. Male Lyjens are much large that the females and can weigh up to 500 lbs.

Females are the more slender than the males. A females mane does not come to the chest and is much shorter than the males. Females only reach up to 200 lbs.