Michelle Woolston

Tanuki Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Age: 18
Creature: Raccoon Dog
Description: An outgoing, fun-loving female. She adores the colors pink and black, probably because her fur color is just that! Its black in normal light, but if you catch it in the right way, it shines a pinky hue. She has pink 'gloves' and 'socks' and a pink muzzle. Her hair is also pink! She has piercing green eyes, and a lip ring. Her long but bushy, stripy tail is probably the most noticable mark of her raccoon side, as well as her ears, which stand up straight.
She loves wearing short skirts, mainly to attract attention to herself! Her black boots make her taller than she already is, which is around 5'9, making her the tallest out of the trio.
Known to act silly most of the time, she does have serious moments, and no one really knows about her past. She has a huge crush on Fenix, which everybody knows about, however! Tanuki is bisexual.
Full Name: Tanuki