Michi Character Reference

Species: Human
Birthday: May 24th
Age: 25
Place of Birth: United States
Height: 5ft8in / 172cm
Weight: 145lbs / 65kg
Orientation: Bisexual
Gender Identity: Cisgender
Pronouns: She / Her


The following contains spoilers for my webcomic, FADERS.

Michelle "Michi" Glicina

♊︎ - ESFJ - Protagonist

Michi is an extroverted and bubbly jpop idol whose career is coming to an end after ten years.

Compassionate enough to help with any problem, but stubborn and impulsive enough to cause problems. 

While her idol image depicts her as an angel, she's been known to bottle up her emotions and "explode". 



Character Facts
• Her stage name, Michi, comes from her grandma. She prefers to be called that instead of her real name.
• Half Japanese, half Puerto Rican. Speaks English natively and picked up Japanese after living in the country for so long. She wants to learn Spanish eventually
• Actually pretty strong despite her appearance.
• Had braces as a kid so she doesn't usually smile with her teeth
• Doesn't like wearing black and will outright refuse to do so. The only exception she'll make is for work.
• Grew up working in her family's deli, so she's a very talented cook 
• Stopped wearing heels somewhere around the age of 13, when she reached her height. She only wears them for work now but takes them off during handshake events
• Took up gaming and writing fanfiction as a hobby because of her busy idol schedule
• Knows a form of hypnosis called "attraction", that ensures the audience keeps their eyes on her. Unfortunately, it has weakened over time.

Design Facts
• Influenced by kogal (school uniforms) and onee (older sister) gyaru fashion
• Her hair "sticks" to her, meaning that it won't move much away from her body.
• Her eyes are downturned
• "Michi Glicina" means path of wisteria. In Japan, wisteria symbolizes good luck. ("Michi", like other Japanese names, can mean a lot of different things based on the kanji used. I typically use 道, which means path -- but her name should really be written ミチ)


Food (especially raspberries), collecting cute mascot characters, fashion, bunnies, BL manga, video games, murder mystery & true crime (mostly novels), supernatural and paranormal phenomena, Kaiju movies


Her idol diet, bugs, taxidermy, being alone in crowded places, wearing black clothes


Asera Ronan and Michi are bonded together as faders, meaning that they are soulmates -- connected to and perfectly complementing each other -- with magical abilities, such as seeing supernatural phenomena and healing each other via touch.

Currently, Michi is in a relationship with Hajime Shiraishi, lead singer of the popular rock band "Meteor La Skull". Due to her idol contract's strict "no dating" policy, she has to keep this relationship secret.

(Note: Any artwork drawn by me depicting Michi and Asera in romantic contexts should be interpreted as fan art, not canon.)

Family and Friends:

• Steven Glicina (Michi's father)
• Kotone Glicina (Michi's mother)
• Shion Fujimoto (Michi's maternal grandmother)

• Asera Ronan (Fader bond. Closest friend)
• Takuma Miyagawa (Manager and father figure)

Other relationships
• Hajime Shiraishi (Current boyfriend)
• Stella (Ex-girlfriend, former idol from their shortlived duo "Love Alliance". Hasn't seen her since they disbanded)
• Aine Minami (Fader bonded with Eira Kitajima. Very knowledgeable about faders and magic. Agreed to teach Michi and Asera more about their bond)
• Eira Kitajima (Fader bonded with Aine Minami. Very knowledgeable about faders. Also a former idol from the group "Dream Arena" and has performed with Michi a handful of times before their disbandment. Was the first to discover Michi and Asera were faders)