Yvonne Chung

Intoducing... Electra!!!
Intoducing... Electra!!! by @Ashriel (Yvonne Chung)

Well, at school the other day, one of my friends complained to me about only having one female character. But I thought that that female, Rika, was lucky to be living with 5 hot guys, well, then it gets boring, so i created an opposite of Rika, and that's Electra, who's a cobra, and a daemon queen. She has a special feature like Demetri and Rika, they can 'shed' they're wings whenever they want and make them reappear whenever they want. But instead of white feathered wings like Demetri and Rika's he's are black feathered wings, and she has another odd trait, she can pull the flesh from the tips of her fingers and the end of her tail, after discovering that she could do that, she practiced it a lot, so she could extend a lot of bone, so she began to sharpen the bone that would be exposed when she extended the 'claws' which would now be 'blades'. She also has snake fangs, since she's a cobra.. yeaaah, and on the top right hand corner of this drawing, is a drawing of the design of the pattern on the back of her hood.

Teen (N)
Rough / Concept
22y143d ago
Other Work By @Ashriel

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