El Thorvaldo Moderator

Magitek DYOS
Magitek DYOS by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

Oh, how I loved to draw random splash panels on spare paper back in school. Since then, however, I have developed a much better sense of distance and perspective.

This was part of a comic from February '11 that followed a fairly productive discussion on revising the ruleset for DYOS, the focus of which dealt with the ban on "magic" in the story. The rule was really a blanket ban on the typical powergaming devices that often led to fights between participants, and exceptions were constantly made: while strictly speaking it was broken several times from DYOS 10 onward, very rarely did the violations actually warrant reprisal.

No doubt sensing a lift of the embargo would threaten his monopoly on reality-warping, The Hacker makes a plea to the audience to vote 'no' on Prop. 418 and leave powergaming to the technocrats, lest this image happen.

I also believe that this sort of scenario is why, despite my constant lobbying, we never played free-form back in my D&D days.

CivGeneral © @GenMarshall

"Happy Cthulhu" by ursulav

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt January 2012.]

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