Luna Vee

Zim and Pez
Zim and Pez by @lunavee (Luna Vee)

Pez is a character of mine from a story I wrote (and still haven't finished! Eee! I'm lazy) called "The Dispensing of Pez" which has the stupidest hemi-pun of a name ever. ^^; Ah well.

I love Pez. She's cool. Y'see that thing on the end of her tail? Those are bones. Pez comes from a race of beings that can shift the position and shape of their bones at will. Cool, ne? That one always stays out, though. And that tattoo on her face, for reference, is the mark of an invader.

Why yes, I can't draw Zim's uniform well. Why do you ask?

But, yeah, I love drawing Zim's head. Bald heads are fun! All bulbous! XD And his zipper teeth are cool.

The story's here: http://www.fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=557869

Fun! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Luna Vee

Finished Work
22y183d ago
Other Work By @lunavee

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